About APEX

APEX is a Community Integration Training Provider working with adults who may have existing behaviors or history of behaviors or any adult who can benefit from APEX.

Mission Statement

APEXs’ Mission is to partner with participants and their families/support team to identify and prioritized life essentials, choices and motivational factors via community integration and empowerment so each participant becomes as independent as possible and live an inclusive lifestyle as a productive adult.

APEX will open the doors to any participant interested in becoming successful through education, volunteer work, employment preparation, or other life skills the employee may want to focus on to excel at their own pace via choices and an employment plan.

The passion, choices, drive, motivation, and goals will be the focal point of APEX as the participant embarks in a new chapter of his/her life.

The focus is to always support and guide the participant to become empowered, increase independence, increase social capital, and become a responsible, effective employee in his/her own way, where he/she can reach a fulfilled life on his/her own or with friends, peers, and family.


Our philosophy is to work together with employees who are interested in increasing life skills, excel in education, and assist employees prepare for an adult life by making employment a priority.

APEX believe is that everyone deserves an opportunity to follow their passion and accomplish any goal(s) he/she has set.

With existing tools such as: The IPP Process, Person Center Planning, Employment First Practices, and the Discovery Process, APEX will ensure each participant breaks-through any barrier holding him/her back to thrive, network, live an enriched life as he or she chooses to do so.

The primary values of APEX is to always integrate the participant into the community using community resources, empowering the employee through choices, and exposing the employee to progressive life experiences so that he/she becomes successful in all key stages of life.

Purpose and goals

The purpose of APEX CIT is to provide Choices, Opportunities for Self Growth, Empowerment, and Integration into the community with the sole purpose of excelling in life as a productive independent adult.

Our Team

Berenice Sanchez

Program Director

Jose Meraz

Director of Operations

Samantha Hernandez

office assistant

APEX believe that everyone deserves an opportunity to follow their passion and accomplish any goal(s) he/she has set.

Vendor Number -CIT-PP0517
Transportation- HP0150


Fax (626) 629-3175