Reaching New Neights
independence, integrity, dignity, and personal choice
our Mission
provide opportunities of exploration, and open new doorways to achieve our participants goals.

Welcome to APEX
We are ready to be part of your TEAM and truly assist you in your life’s endeavors
Dedicated to your independence

Community Integration Training Program
- We work with adults, regardless of past & current behavior history and/or lifestyle, to assist them with short term and long term goals.
- We are a multilingual team! We speak Spanish, Mandarin, Chinese, & Tagalog.

The Core of our Services
● Behavioral Management
● Vocational Training
● Internship Opportunities
● Pre-Employment Activities
● Supported Employment
● Social and Interpersonal Skills
● Effective Communication Skills
● Safety Awareness
● Technology Assistance
● Life Skills
● Post-secondary Education
Join our Team
Apply to be a part of our team and enrich an individuals life.

Become INdependent
Learn new skills and confidence to gain independence.

APEX believe that everyone deserves an opportunity to follow their passion and accomplish any goal(s) he/she has set.
Vendor Number -CIT-PP0517
Transportation- HP0150